Scanning Tips
Businesses have different needs. While one company absolutely needs the highest color print quality possible, others need industrial print speeds. Still, for others scanning thousands of documents can be the factor that makes their business a smooth running machine. We understand your needs, and today we are going to offer some scanning tips that can get your business scanning like it never has before.
If you rely deeply on scanning then you need to make sure that you are getting the right machine for the job. Scanners vary greatly in their abilities. Small desktop scanners can do about 10 pages every minute. Alternatively, powerful office scanners can complete upwards of 1000 scans every hour. The trick is to get something that fits your specific needs, without paying for a bunch of features you won’t ever need or use.
Another feature to consider on a scanner is an automatic document feeder (ADF). The device tray will feed documents to the scanner, but you need to make sure that it works. Whether you have a few documents or hundreds of them, you want to be able to scan them at the push of a button. However, avoid the ADF if you have fragile books or documents that you plan to scan.
Before scanning documents to your computer, have a metal detector available that will check for staples and clips because either of these things hurt your scanner. In fact, this can turn into downtime that leads to a need for repair services, creating for a highly unproductive day.
Getting the right scanner for your business shouldn’t be difficult. Let our amazing staff at Copier Phoenix help you select the perfect option. We can make sure you are scanning the way the works for you.